Frequently Asked Questions


What is natural "fragrance" mean?

Each scented Pälish product is created using various essential oils mixed together to create a unique scent to the brand. The companies I select to use their essential claim to use natural process for extraction.

Are all of your ingredients organic?

No. Not all of the ingredients in my product are organic. However, they are all 100% natural with approximately 50% of the ingredients falling into the organic category.

Where do you get your ingredients from?

I purchase all the ingredients for my products from reputable sellers. Each of the natural oils I use comes with it's own paperwork describing the process that was used to extract the oil as well as an expiration date.

Why don't any of your products have expiration dates?

Natural ingredients have an amazingly long shelf life - typically around 2 years. I make all of my products in small batches that usually sell within 6 months of that product being made. This means the shelf life of the product after the consumer has purchased the item is around 1.5 year. If the consumer uses the product as instructed, it will be used up and gone to work toward healthier skin long before the product is set to expire.

What does small batch mean?

Small batch to the Pälish brand means that less than 25 of any one product are made at one time. This makes it easier to keep track of products quality and freshness.

What does hand made mean?

Hand made to the Pälish brand means that each item is measured, mixed together, bottled, labeled, shelved and picked by hand. Basically, my hand. I hand make each and every item because quality control is very important to me.